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Confidential support for VERMONT first responders

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Focused. No-Nonsense. Purposeful.

You're the first to respond...but are you the last to seek help?

EAPFirst is a confidential statewide program operated by the State of Vermont dedicated to meeting you wherever you are in life.


Our carefully-vetted small group of counselors are different from the wider pool of EAP counselors. Each has experience in the treatment of individuals exposed to trauma and each has a dedicated interest in serving First Responders.
We provide strictly confidential individual counseling, staff-wide resiliency debriefings, and peer network support.


For more personalized service for VT first responders,
please call our staff clinician Tony Parmenter. Tony knows our clinical team well and can offer you a variety of counseling referrals and resources.



Tony: (802) 503-9586


Tony can be reached most weekdays.

As a military veteran and experienced counselor, Tony has received specialized and advanced training from the Parnell Institute for EMDR, the Center for Deployment Psychology and the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF).

For 24/7 access,
please call our counseling intake center at:






A counselor is always available there to assist you.


©2020 by EAPFirst

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