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All Vermont first responders employed by VLCT member towns, the State of Vermont, and numerous sheriff departments and private rescue services qualify. If you're unsure, call us! 

We provide free and confidential short-term counseling to you and your household members. We provide group debriefings with trained peers following critical incidents. 

All of our counselors share a passion for supporting first responders and all are experienced helping people resolve exposure to trauma.

Call us 24/7: 1-855-EAP-1NOW

Business Meeting
Hiking in Nature
Happy Family

critical incident debriefings and group support

EAPFirst provides clinical services and critical incident stress debriefings to your department following a tragic incident. During this pandemic, all of our services are conducted via HIPAA-compliant telecounseling.


EAPFirst counselors traditionally accompany Green Mountain CISM on every CISD they do statewide. 


©2020 by EAPFirst

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