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The legal end of a marriage – divorce – can be one of the single most stressful and difficult things a person can experience. No one who enters into a marriage expects it to end in separation, and no one wishes for the havoc that is created when the union needs to end.


While divorce is sometimes the healthiest choice for an unhealthy situation, the pain and complexity involved can leave the parties feeling exhausted, depressed, angry, guilty, and in a state of shock.


Divorce creates impact and change to key areas of life including living arrangements, finances, health insurance coverage, and – if children are involved – a profound change of schedules and arrangements for the new family structure. The range of emotions and stressors is varied and can last over a long time.


Fundamentally, divorce is a loss, and loss involves grief that can play out differently for each person depending on the circumstances.




For the two partners who are separating, divorce changes life completely, from the practical to the emotional. And for the children involved, divorce can impact a sense of security and trust as well as create feelings of guilt related to a false sense of somehow having done something to cause the divorce. Physical symptoms related to the situation can develop as well – sleeplessness or over-sleep, appetite interruptions, and stress manifestations such as stomach distress, headache, and overall feelings of unrest. Any of these are important to discuss with an EAP counselor if they impact daily functioning.


Life as everyone has known it changes dramatically in a divorce. Divorcing parents need to not only look after their own individual wellbeing, but they must be aware of their children’s needs throughout the transition. Seeking help and support is an essential step to healing.




  • Contact EAPFirst. Counselors can help you confidentially to assess the situation, provide short term support, and referrals for longer term support or specialized needs. Help is available 24/7 through our Counseling Call Center.

  • Use this website and the links provided to find articles and resources. Information can help to clarify questions and give ideas on how to rebuild your life.

  • Identify your support network. Friends and family are key partners who can help you through this difficult time.

  • Take extra good care of yourself – and your children if you are a parent. Divorce can be traumatic, and healing is needed. Taking care of yourself helps to rebuild strength, and others can help you to do this. Call upon your support network.

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